Third Trimester Abortions

To the people who want third trimester abortions, may you burn in hell you godless baby killing contemptable bastards.

Greg Hansen

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Filed under Grant County PUD

The Only Solution

November 21, 2015

The people of Grant County are starting to realize they are having the wool pulled over their eyes on the PUD’s power rates. It was very convenient for the server farms and other large schedule 15 customers to have their hacks on the PUD Commission base their rates on a Cost of Service Analysis ( COSA ) . It was a perfect solution for insuring low rates for into the future. After years of giving an unlimited amount of power to these power intensive industries the infrastructure of our power grid is geared to transmitting a large volume of power to a few ( 7 ) large customers. The transmission cost is less per kilowatt then the use of distribution lines to other retail customers such as residential and irrigators. Because of this, the head industrial stooge on the commission says to his junior stooges, “let’s base the rates on a strictly cost of service basis that has resulted over years of giving low cost power to the big 7“. Even the cost of service study is shrouded in mystery and the input data seems to be classified.
I know of no other public utility that bases their rates strictly on the cost of service. There are many local social and economic considerations in developing power rates. Chelan and Douglas PUD’s method of developing rates are a world apart from Grant County PUDs method.
The only solution for the people of Grant County to take back their PUD from the industrial interest is to remove all the current commissioners which could be a period of six years if District 2 commissioner is re-elected.

Greg Hansen

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Filed under Grant County PUD

Stupidity knows No Bounds

Letter to the Editor, July 31, 2015

I do believe it’s time to recall several PUD Commissioners. The idea of selling the districts share of power from our hydro project to Shell Energy and then buying it back is self inflicted stupidity. This is the worst decision made in the 77 year history of our PUD. We have given up control of our source of cheap power which has been the economic foundation of this county. PUD founders would roll over in their graves if they knew what the commissioners have done. What has driven PUD management and commissioners to do this ? In my opinion, it’s been bad financial management over the years that have put the PUD in financial straits. Mediocre managers and naive commissioners have taken the path of least resistance in making hard decisions and uncontrolled spending. It’s like a spendthrift who’s gotten themselves into deep financial trouble and now they need to be bailed out, in this case it’s Shell Energy who’ll bail the PUD out of their problems. Sure would be nice if we had the 250 plus million dollars spent on a red ink fiber project, or the millions of dollars in ransom that will be paid out to the Yakima Indian Tribe over the next 40 years so they wouldn’t contest our license. Remember the diesel generators ? The list goes on and on.
On the other side of the ledger, wouldn’t it help the PUD’s revenue stream if all customer classes had more or less the same rate increase ? The last round of rate increases all the classes except one found themselves with a 30% to 40 % rate increase over 10 years, but the “favorite son “ large industrial class come up with a whopping 5.1% over 10 years.
I can’t help but feel this is a concerted effort by a member of the PUD commission and his lackeys to wrestle away control of our hydro project and put it in control of a conglomerate like Shell Energy. After all, why should a podunk county like ours have such a great asset of two dams on a major US river. Makes me wonder about something else too if you know what I mean.
The most disturbing aspect of this contract is there is no opt-out clause by either party, more then likely planned that way. This foolish contract has been sprung upon the ratepayers without any previous notice and for this newspaper (CBH) to put the article on page 7 as though it was a minor news item is astounding.
As they say, stupidity knows no bounds.

Greg Hansen


Filed under Grant County PUD, Letter To The Editor

Letter to Commissioners Bernd, Brewer and Schaapman by Richard Hansen

Dear Commissioners Bernd, Brewer and Schaapman,

Why are you doing this to the citizens, farms and businesses that have built this county for the benefit of these few newcomers that are using such a large percentage of our power while employing so few.
Regardless of your method of calculation , their power usage is producing capability gone forever. You not only are giving them the cake, you are giving them a discount on the icing.
If this plan of yours come to fruition, your legacy as commissioners is going down the river !

Richard Hansen


Filed under Grant County PUD


If you don’t have integrity you really don’t have anything, do you, Bob, Terry and Larry ?

There’s nothing more contemptible then trading your vote to the special interest, right Bob, Terry, Larry ?

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Filed under Grant County PUD